Scenography, Installations & Costume Archive
Here is an archive where you will find the major projects for which I contributed as scenographer & costume designer. Project & process descriptions along with pictures are organized biannually.
2024 -2025
Wuthering Heights - Scenography & Costumes
Amadeus - Scenography & Costumes
Sexplay - Scenography & Costumes
A Christmas Carol - Scenography & Costumes
The Visit - Scenography & Costumes
Plastic - Costumes
Dans les mains de l'inévitable - Scenography
2022 - 2023
Amadeus - Scenography & Costumes
Here Be Monsters - Installation
Mural - Commissioned Work
Hedda Gabler - Scenography
Sancthansnatten - Scenography
The Wind on the Moon
Ex - Scenography & Costumes
2019 - 2018
Dorian Gray - Scenography & costumes
Tordenskjold - Scenography
Psykose - Scenography & costumes
Byggmester Solness - Costumes
Bergen Bergen - Scenography & costumes
Peer Gynt - Scenography
People, places and things - Costumes
Cally - Scenography & costumes
Hedda Gabler - Scenography & costumes